The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering – ICSE 2015

The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering

ICSE back to Italy!

Two decades after ICSE 1994 in Sorrento, we are proud to organize the 37th edition of the premier International Conference on Software Engineering® in the very heart of Florence/Firenze, the capital city of Tuscany region and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. For one week scientists and engineers promoting the advancement of information technology will convene from worldwide into the birthplace of the Renaissance and one of the Italian fashion capitals: doesn’t it look like a promising cultural blend between art and science?

Please join us, contribute to make ICSE 2015 a high quality and unforgettable event!

We gratefully acknowledge ICSE2015 Sponsors and Supporters

Submission deadlines*

Technical Research 5 SEPT, 2014
Workshop Proposals
Technical Briefings Proposals
10 OCT, 2014
Joint ICSE/CSEE&T SE Education and Training (JSEET)
Software Engineering in Pratice (SEIP)
Software Engineering in Society (SEIS)
24 OCT, 2014
New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER)
Doctoral Symposium
ACM Student Research Competition
21 NOV, 2014
Posters 13 JAN, 2015
Workshop Papers 23 JAN, 2015**

* Note that all deadlines are firm and all dates/times are given in AoE Time

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